Michael recently had a bad experience at a restaurant. A cool idea: take a sleigh up a snowy mountain to eat a gourmet meal. Problem is, getting up a snowy mountain is sometimes easier said than done.
Some apologies were made and a $50 credit was offered by the restaurant. While some may quibble with the amount, it seems a fair gesture. Where things got hairy is when the wait staff refused to apply this credit to non-alcoholic beverages. With restaurant economics being what they are, giving away $50 in free alcohol to a handful of people isn't exactly going to put a restaurant out of business. Especially when the tab is $250.
Where things get interesting, however, is that Michael, upset by the experience, send an e-mail (which we do not had the privilege to see) to the restaurant management. From the response (which we do get to see), it seems that the manager got very rude with the customer. Most of us can agree that a restaurant manager, especially a high-class place, should never get this rude. Shame on Joy Vik for this.
However, based on the content of the reply, we must assume that the customer also overstepped. Joy Vik's response is clear: Michael, you were rude to me and I don't appreciate it.
The problem here is that people will be people. While a business like The Viking Yurt should take the high-road in dealing with customer complaints, it's clear that anger has overtaken both Michael and Joy.
Problems rarely get resolved when people yell at each other. Had Michael taken a more polite approach to the problem, we can assume that the $50 would have been deducted from the non-drink bill. Had Joy taken a more polite approach, anyone reading Michael's letter or this blog post wouldn't be thinking twice about giving The Viking Yurt business.
A roomful of elementary school kids will tell you: two wrongs don't make a right. They'll also say: do unto others as you'd have them do to you. And yet, here we have two adults that don't seem to get that. This hurts feelings, it hurts consumers, and it hurts businesses. Maybe we should get the sandbox crew start taking care of letter writing? Cooler heads prevail.